
Recruited from the Arctic after a tourist expedition by station GM Les Bucks, Moe is thrust into a new and strange world. As a gentle giant and family man, he is unprepared for the challenge and influence of 24/7 media in his new home. He’s dedicated to truth-telling and loyal to his reporting partner Flip, on whom he bestows much patience because of their mutual mission at stake.

Flip Malibu

Once beloved by millions as a TikTok prankster and hired because of this social media influence, Flip is now disrespected as a member of the MSM. Undettered, Flip is dedicated to his new turn as a serious journalist and has his moments. But in his quest for fame, which incidentally inspired his star hairdo, his vanity and narcissism is his own worst enemy. With all of the ambition but little of the training, he hasn’t realized that journalism is maybe a little more complicated than it looks.


Lala is the stay-at-home mom who manages her twin’s media exposure and keeps Moe grounded. She occasionally gets rattled by media messages that question her traditional choice to forgo a career outside the home.

Gigithe 5 year-old girl with way too many insightful questions, including media’s influence on women.

Tayothe 5 year-old boy who somehow manages to intuitively understand all things software and hardware.

Mimi Cabeza

The single, proud Cuban-American anchorwoman, Mimi is dedicated to journalism and the reputation of the dying station. Having fled to the United States with her parents as refugees, the cause of the free press fuels her righteousness. Mimi gave up children only to realize she’s become a full-time nanny to her co-workers. Flip is convinced that a secret crush on him would better explain these heightened emotions.

Les Bucks

Les is the detached and money-focused vice-president and general manager who is willfully blind to the damaging effects of his decisions. His only care are his bonuses that come from hitting budget “numbers”, ensuring his luxury lifestyle. Paying pennies to a clueless animal while leveraging the audience of a social media celebrity, Les has outdone himself.