The strip gathers observations over my two decades working as a photojournalist at some of the largest news organizations in the country. It’s also a reflection of being a dad who remembered living in caves with no internet.

It’s a bear to be a parent in the modern digital age and an endangered one at that.

In my career, I’ve labored to explain and defend the work of journalism, from teaching at Medill in Chicago to blogging about photojournalism at the Chicago Tribune, to serving on the board of the National Press Photographers Association. In the process, I’ve been a part of some amazing projects. One of which won a Pulitzer Prize and another a World Press Photo Golden Eye. (Yes, I had to slip that in.)

It’s in my family’s blood. My father-in-law was a long-time columnist at the Tribune. I met my wife who was on the picture desk. My brother works as a video journalist for an international wire service. I count on many friends in the business.

The name Moe comes from the photography department at the Chicago Tribune. Everyone called each other that. Yea moe, no idea why.

Having left daily journalism several years ago, I’ve continued my storytelling work as a photographer and director on still and video projects for a variety of editorial and advertising clients. Some of them include startup news organizations that are paving new ground for journalism organizations.

Thank you for reading as I pursue this passion project. Please feel free to share your thoughts (and preferably likes and follows) on social.

Questions, comments, and any opportunities? Reach out at [email protected]

Thank you!
